est eng 2024/1 international special pages! See: Nils Ohlsen "Konrad Mägi and Die Brücke at the Baltic Sea – just a coincidence or a phenomenon?"


In Search of Matter and the Origin of Art Problems

Raivo Kelomees (3-4/2011)

A report by Raivo Kelomees about the 14th Festival Ars Electronica 2011: Origin – How It All Begins, dedicated to issues in art, technology and society


The Ars Electronica festival of 2011 was dedicated to the physics of particles in its philosophic and scientific sense. The choice of CERN as its partner was a rather power-oriented trick by Ars Electronica, intending to eliminate any criticism addressing stagnation and lack of novelty. Year by year the festival has attempted to recover the status it once had in the stormy new media landscape during the 1990s. Today, in this time of digital technology and the new media environment being continuously up-dated with new devices, and the digital natives or born digital generation making up the bulk of net users, and now that the surprise caused by the change from analogue to digital that changed our world view has been forgotten, we need ever more convincing arguments. Cooperation with CERN is a definite trump ace laid on the table.

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